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    Venous insufficiency is a condition that occurs when the veins in your legs have trouble sending the blood from your legs back to your heart. The deeper veins in your legs have valves that keep the blood flowing against gravity. When the vein walls weaken or the valves are damaged, the blood leaks back into the legs and the veins stay filled with blood, especially when you are standing. This condition is called chronic venous insufficiency.

    The need for chronic venous insufficiency treatment in Manhattan may follow trauma to your legs, a recent injury or past blood clots. Severe damage may require surgery, but more often, conservative treatment for venous insufficiency provides you with significant relief. Following your first visit with Dr. Susan Bard, you will be on your way to finally achieving relief from the pain and embarrassment from these troubling veins.

    Risk Factors for Chronic Venous Insufficiency

    While anyone can develop issues with venous insufficiency, you may be more susceptible to problems that may require venous insufficiency treatment. Higher risks involve:

    • Older age
    • Family history of venous insufficiency
    • Gender, as females are more likely to develop venous stasis dermatitis
    • A history of deep vein thrombosis or blood clots in your legs
    • Pregnancy
    • Obesity
    • Sitting or standing for long periods of time
    • A taller height
    • History of varicose veins
    • Smoking cigarettes
    • Cancer diagnosis
    • Muscle weakness, trauma or injury

    Any lifestyle changes that correct some of these predisposing factors can help relieve or manage your chronic venous insufficiency symptoms. Your Manhattan vein specialist can help design a program to assist you with the necessary changes.

    Symptoms of Venous Insufficiency

    Venous insufficiency is more serious than spider veins or even varicose veins. Most individuals with venous insufficiency experience some combination of the following symptoms:

    • Dull aching or throbbing in your legs
    • A heavy feeling
    • Cramping and swelling
    • Pain that gets worse when standing and better when your legs are elevated
    • Skin that changes color, especially around your ankles
    • Irritated, itchy or cracked skin if you scratch
    • Red, swollen, crusted or weepy skin, indicative of venous stasis dermatitis
    • Varicose veins on your skin’s surface
    • Thickening and hardening of the skin on your legs and ankles
    • Wound or ulcer that is slow to heal and requires skin ulcer treatment

    Diagnosis usually starts with a physical exam by your vein doctor at Vein Clinic in NYC. She can diagnosis your condition based on the appearance of your leg veins while you are standing or sitting.

    Often, imaging tests, such as a venogram or duplex ultrasound, are needed. A venogram uses an injected contrast dye to view your vessels by x-ray. An ultrasound uses a small hand-held device to get a clearer picture of the inside of your vein walls and valves.

    Treatment for Venous Insufficiency

    Chronic venous insufficiency treatment starts out conservatively. Your NYC doctor may prescribe any combination of the following venous insufficiency treatment options:

    • Do not sit or stand for long periods of time.
    • Elevate your legs whenever possible, especially after an extended time sitting or standing.
    • Keep your legs uncrossed when sitting.
    • If you are overweight, try to lose some pounds.
    • Exercise regularly.
    • Cease smoking.
    • Follow a prescribed skin ulcer treatment, especially for chronic venous stasis dermatitis.
    • Use prescribed compression stockings to gently squeeze legs and encourage blood flow.
    • Take medications such as diuretics, anticoagulants or drugs to improve your blood flow.
    • Undergo laser or radiofrequency therapy.
    • Try ambulatory phlebotomy.

    Venous Stasis Dermatitis Treatment

    Venous stasis dermatitis can make an already uncomfortable condition that much harder to treat. Poor circulation due to high blood pressure, heart conditions or kidney failure, among other conditions, causes your skin to be itchy, painful and discolored. Sores that ooze, crust or look scaly can develop, making the chronic venous stasis dermatitis even more problematic. You may need skin ulcer treatment as well.

    Venous stasis dermatitis treatment includes many of the same options as treatment for venous insufficiency, but may also include:

    • Steroids
    • Antihistamines
    • Wraps of medicated dressing for skin ulcer treatment
    • Oral or cream antibiotics for infections
    • Fragrance and dye-free moisturizers

    Although chronic venous insufficiency can be progressive, early chronic venous insufficiency treatment helps manage and maintain your blood vessel health. Close communication with your Manhattan doctor can relieve many of the symptoms and keep you from having your lifestyle seriously hindered.