When Varicose Veins Become Dangerous · New York Vein Treatment Center

    Having varicose veins is common problem, not usually something to worry about. By staying active, wearing compression stockings and elevating your feet periodically, you can manage your symptoms. Still, you should have your varicose veins evaluated and monitored by a vein specialist because of the possibility of dangerous vein problems.

    Varicose veins bulge beneath your skin into unsightly blue, red or purple ropes. They develop when blood backs up and pools. Varicose vein symptoms run in the family, so if your parents have them, you may end up having them too. Sitting or standing for long stretches can make existing vein problems worse, as can pregnancy.

    Unattractive Veins or Dangerous Vein Problems?

    If you are not experiencing much pain or discomfort, you may think of your varicose veins as just a cosmetic problem. They may make you feel self-conscious if you have to expose your legs in public, but they are a condition you can live with. If they bother you enough or if they get in the way, you can explore options to have them removed.

    But it is always a good idea to have a Manhattan vein doctor examine your veins, even if you have no new or alarming symptoms. Left untreated, varicose veins may eventually become sore and painful. If you wait too long, you put yourself at risk of developing secondary issues, such as:

    Symptoms of Dangerous Vein Problems

    There are certain physical signs that indicate dangerous vein problems, such as:

    • An open sore or ulcer, which may become infected
    • A hard lump under your skin
    • The skin over a varicose vein begins to bleed heavily
    • Your leg suddenly becomes very painful and swollen

    Painful varicose veins often continue to get worse if you ignore them They may lead to serious complications.

    Under the Surface of Painful Veins

    The problem with vein issues is that you cannot see what’s going on. Some varicose veins are not even visible. When your leg swells from a varicose vein, it may mean that fluid from weakened veins is leaking into the surrounding tissues.

    Elevating your feet and wearing compression stockings helps mitigate your symptoms, but if the swelling continues, your skin may become hardened or discolored. Constant pressure on the skin may also cause skin ulcers that are difficult to heal. A bulging vein that is hit or cut may be prone to bleeding. The pooling blood in the veins can even cause a blood clot. Talk to your New York vein specialist right away if you experience swelling or bleeding or if your leg feels warm and tender to the touch.

    Lessen the Risk of Dangerous Vein Problems

    Staying active and keeping at a healthy weight can prevent varicose veins and possibly improve the symptoms of varicose veins. Wearing compression stockings and elevating your legs whenever you can also help alleviate vein conditions.

    If you have a family history of vein disease, visit a New York City vein specialist for an evaluation. And the older you get, the more susceptible you are. You are in a high-risk category if you are over 30 and have had three or more children. If you are on bed rest for any reason, or if you sit or stand for long periods of time, your risk of vein disease also increases.

    How Vein Problems Are Detected and Treated

    Even if you don’t have visible varicose veins, you may have vein problems that you are not aware of. Get evaluated if you have persistent leg pain, heaviness or swelling — or if you’re in a high-risk category. Your NYC vein doctor can detect venous insufficiency with a diagnostic ultrasound.

    If you do have dangerous vein problems, your Manhattan vein specialist has several options for treatment. Most of them are done right in the doctor’s office on an outpatient basis. For a consultation or to schedule an appointment, call Manhattan Vein Specialists of NYC today.