Bulging, Popped, Painful Leg Veins During Pregnancy: Can They Be Treated?

    You go through a host of different symptoms when you’re pregnant. And how each woman experiences each pregnancy may be very different from other women and other pregnancies. In general, though, pregnancy brings with it varying degrees of discomfort and pain that ranges from headaches and back pain to nausea and fatigue.

    Another common form of pain during pregnancy is leg pain. Leg pain, such as like achiness and swelling, may be unfamiliar symptoms during your pregnancy. But you do not have to worry, even if you notice dark, bulging veins on your legs — they’re just varicose veins.

    Varicose veins are swollen veins in your legs that appear blue or purple on the surface of your skin. They may even look bumpy. The skin near these veins may itch or burn. You may feel self-conscious about the way varicose veins look. You may be more bothered by pain or discomfort in your lower extremities that you never had when you were pregnant before.

    Why You Experience Venous Leg Pain During Pregnancy

    Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy — some are obvious, some not. Your growing uterus puts pressure on a large vein called the inferior vena cava, which in turn increases pressure in your leg veins. Since these veins work against gravity to return blood to your heart, the job just gets harder during pregnancy.

    The hormonal changes of pregnancy contribute to the extra strain put on the veins during this time. As your body prepares for the birth of your baby, the amount of blood in your body increases and the walls of your blood vessels relax.

    Gaining weight, particularly if you’re carrying multiples, can also increase your risk of developing varicose veins during pregnancy. These enlarged veins may be uncomfortable, itchy or downright painful. Additionally, they don’t look very pretty when you already may be feeling bloated and unattractive.

    Treating Leg Pain During Pregnancy

    For many women, varicose veins improve without medical intervention within a few months after delivering a baby, so the best treatment during pregnancy is usually prevention. Definitely call on your Manhattan vein doctor for validation — and just to be sure there isn’t something more serious going on.

    After a brief, painless exam, Dr. Susan Bard of Manhattan Vein Specialists provides some instructions to stop your varicose veins from worsening and to prevent more varicose veins from popping up. Her recommendations may include:

    • Don’t stand or sit in one position for any length of time. Change your position often and give yourself frequent breaks from standing.
    • Exercise to improve your circulation and blood flow. Find a way to get active. Low-impact exercise such as swimming or walking are great choices. Always talk to your obstetrician before beginning an exercise program.
    • Stay within the recommended weight range for each stage of your pregnancy.
    • Wear compression stockings to help support your legs, but make sure they’re not so tight that they cut off circulation. Maternity support hosiery helps stimulate blood flow up toward your heart. Wearing these stockings consistently not only helps improve varicose veins, but they also help achy feet.
    • Prop your feet up when possible. Use a stool or box to elevate your legs when you’re sitting, and prop them up with pillows when you’re lying down.

    In most cases, varicose vein treatment can be postponed until after your baby is born. But if you develop a hard, rope-like clot near the surface of the skin — and it is painful, tender or hot — call your NYC vein doctor right away. If either leg becomes really swollen or you develop sores on your leg, bring it to your doctor’s attention right away.

    Varicose Veins After Pregnancy

    After you have your baby and your hormone levels return to normal, venous problems are likely to improve. You may continue to have symptoms of venous leg pain even after pregnancy, however. You are more susceptible if you’ve had multiple pregnancies or if your mother or other close relatives have a history of varicose veins.

    If the varicose veins haven’t improved within three or four months after delivering your baby, talk to your Manhattan vein doctor. She offers a number of treatment options, most of which do not involve surgery and can be done on an outpatient basis. You don’t have to live with unattractive veins or leg pain. Call Manhattan Vein Specialists of NYC today so you can enjoy your new baby without distractions.